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Saturday, November 14, 2020

Christmas Tree Toppers

 I have been crocheting so many hats to give to either Primary Children's Hospital or the NICU center at the UofU hospital this past year.  It has been a lot of fun.  I even had a group of children from our local elementary knit hats on a loom.  They had a few problems making them.  I corrected most of the worst mistakes and left the others.  I sent the hats out to Salt Lake with my granddaughter this past week.

A week ago I was in Walmart and saw a Gnome Christmas tree topper.  I thought it would be fun to make so I did.  I will have to take a picture of my first Gnome.  It turned out kind of cute if I do say so myself.

Then I got to thinking about Primary Children's Hospital.  I think I will make small Christmas trees that can go into children's rooms.  I am not sure I will have time to make enough for this year but maybe I can start now for next year.  I already have my first tree made.  It is only about 6 inches tall.  I didn't do any fancy decorations.  Maybe I could try putting some bead on the tree.  I have LOTS of beads in my pod.

Oh here is a site that I found some great patterns on.

Monday, February 26, 2018

More Kites

Here is a great kite that can be flown indoors.  It is easy to make.  It only needs a sheet of paper, some tape, a straw, a tail, and some string.  Boys can get it to fly indoors by running around the gym.  I was also told you can use a fan to fly it.  I haven't tried that yet but I did see it fly in a large room.

Here is a Sled Kite

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Walk Along Gliders....And More

Oh my gosh, I just found the most amazing site.  It is
He has some of the most incredible things to make.  I want to try his walk along gliders, but I am impressed with so many of the projects he has.  You can buy the foam from him or he shows you how to make your own thin foam.  Check it out!

Saturday, February 10, 2018


MAKE A PYRAMID KITE  June 20, 2015 by Holly
 It is a tetrahedral kite that is surprisingly easy to make.  

Avoid flying too close to trees or buildings…or you could hit a snag!   

In this science project you will have a chance to build your very own kite, a simple sled kite. Then you will use it to investigate how kites fly. Will you find out the best way to fly your kite?

Box kites are known for their high lift. In fact, most of the altitude records for kite flying are held by large box kites.

This paper craft will show you how to make a whole flock of bird kites.

Air Planes

How to Make Paper Planes
They provide detailed instructions and video tutorials to help you make over 50 different paper gliders, darts, and long distance flyers.

Move over paper airplanes because the straw plane is in town!

The three designs are tried and true (you wouldn’t believe some of the science behind paper airplanes) and are perfect beginner, moderate, and expert level models to play with.

How to fold the world record paper airplane.  John Collins design, Suzanne, broke the Guinness World Record for distance in 2012. 

Build a Paper Rocket.  Learn about the physics of flight with this soaring science activity
Make a rocket that soars--with science!

In this activity, students construct small flying rockets out of paper and propel them by blowing air through a straw. 

Download any of the free paper airplane designs and get flying!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The new Wolf Elective Adventure: Air of the Wolf calls for boys to make a paper airplane.  My boys made a glider out of a styrofoam plate that is pretty cool.  Click on the link below and it will take you to the PDF file to make the glider.

A second link takes you to a web sight that gives you the pattern for the foam plate glider and has a video showing how to make it and how to fly it.  This second link might be even better than the first link.
FPG-9 Foam Glider

Monday, January 21, 2013

Strawberry Tie Slides

I made strawberry tie slides for our cub scouts out of walnut halves.  I thought they turned out pretty good.
I found the best way to cut the walnuts in half was to boil them in water for a short time.  It softens the membrane between the halves and then you can insert a butter knife between the halves and crack the nut open.  Most of the nuts cracked right in half but if the nut already had a crack in it that was not on the seam they cracked that way.  I had about five halves that cracked in the wrong place and I was able to glue them back together with E-6000.  You could not even see where the crack was at. 

I painted the bottom part red then painted the top green.  I put tiny dots of yellow on for seeds.  Due to the fact that it is so cold outside I decided not to spray the nut halves with a clear gloss.  I tried painting the halves with Mod Podge.  I think I like the clear gloss better.  The Mod Podge tended to build up in the dents of the walnut and and you can see it.
Back to those shells that cracked and I glued back together with E-6000.  I filled them with hot glue, and put a wire in while the glue was still soft.  Then I backed them with felt.  I just cut a slit where the wire was at.  You could not even see where the crack was at.  The hot glue will hold the nut together.
Those that did not crack, I did not fill them with anything.  I tied different backs for them. The felt seemed a little slack so I used fun foam on the one in the middle and a piece of milk jug on the one on the right.  The milk jug worked great if the nut half was smooth but if it were rough at all the fun foam worked the best.  The tie slide rings are cut pieces of a milk jug handle. 

I thought they turned out pretty good.  I had so much fun making them. 
When I give them to my boys I am going to talk about the Law of the Pack.  One line says that the Cub Scout helps the pack go.  I will tell them that without them our pack would not run.  Therefor they are very important to our pack.  Then I will give them the tie slide with a card that says You are "Berry" Important.