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Saturday, November 14, 2020

Christmas Tree Toppers

 I have been crocheting so many hats to give to either Primary Children's Hospital or the NICU center at the UofU hospital this past year.  It has been a lot of fun.  I even had a group of children from our local elementary knit hats on a loom.  They had a few problems making them.  I corrected most of the worst mistakes and left the others.  I sent the hats out to Salt Lake with my granddaughter this past week.

A week ago I was in Walmart and saw a Gnome Christmas tree topper.  I thought it would be fun to make so I did.  I will have to take a picture of my first Gnome.  It turned out kind of cute if I do say so myself.

Then I got to thinking about Primary Children's Hospital.  I think I will make small Christmas trees that can go into children's rooms.  I am not sure I will have time to make enough for this year but maybe I can start now for next year.  I already have my first tree made.  It is only about 6 inches tall.  I didn't do any fancy decorations.  Maybe I could try putting some bead on the tree.  I have LOTS of beads in my pod.

Oh here is a site that I found some great patterns on.